
The White Chocolate Ball

January 25, 2016

The “Chocolate Ball” has returned and it got a much lighter face lift. The “White Chocolate Ball” is drizzled with hot rum caramel, the veil is broken, and the crown jewel is revealed! Caramelized bananas, crispy pound cake, French vanilla ice cream, and that sultry hot rum caramel!

White chocolate can be extremely difficult to work with even when it’s tempered. Keep in mind your ambient room temp or any heat source (including yourself) before attempting chocolate work, especially with white chocolate. The ideal/reasonable room temp is low 70’sf/22c with no direct sunlight. I had trouble with my first attempt at this white chocolate ball because I just handled it too much with my bear hands and it ended up falling apart…It was perfect the second go around, but it’s just a good reminder that practice makes perfect! Let’s jump in.

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Start off by melting 2/3 cup of white chocolate chips, using the double broiler method.

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Gently mix the chocolate as it slowly melts to ensure all of the solids liquify. Do not exceed 120°F.

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Once the chocolate is throughly melted, remove it from the stove and mix in 1/3 cup white chocolate chips to cool the mixture.

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Gently stir in the chocolate chips until the mixture is smooth and approximately 88°F.

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 Once the chocolate is tempered to 88°F, add a few table spoons of the melted white chocolate to your chocolate mold.

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Close the mold and gently rotate the sphere until all sections of the mold are coated.

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Then allow it to cool in the fridge for 30 minutes. Flip every 2-3 minutes to ensure is cools evenly.

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While that cools, cut a banana in half length-wise and then diagonally across into smaller pieces.

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Heat up a few pads of butter (2 tsp) in a non-stick sauté pan on high…

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…and toss in the banana pieces along with a thin slice of pound cake.

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Caramelize the ingredients until they are gold brown on all sides.

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Once the pound cake is golden and crisped, remove it from the pan. 

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Deglaze the pan with 1/2 cup dark rum.

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Add 1/2 cup brown sugar and a pinch of salt.  

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Cook the bananas for another 2 minutes on high heat, and then remove from heat and set aside until you are ready to plate.

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If the chocolate has had enough time to set, remove it from the fridge and gently remove it from the mold (be careful not to over handle the ball with your hands or it may melt).

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To hollow out one end of the white chocolate ball, heat the bottom end of a pyrex bowl…

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…and set the ball over the mold and allow the bottom to melt out.  

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You may need to heat the pyrex a couple of times, but it’s important to take your time with this fragile dessert.

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Once the ball is ready to use and the bottom is hollowed out, begin plating the crisped pound cake.  

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Top that with the caramelized rum bananas…

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…and a small scoop of your favorite ice cream.  I’m using a classic vanilla bean.

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Carefully top the dessert with the chocolate ball.

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Your dessert will be perfectly concealed!

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Lastly, drizzle the remaining hot rum syrup over the chocolate ball, watch as your dessert as is revealed, and dig into this sultry treat!

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| Top Left: Metal Mixing Bowls | Top Middle: Plastic Sphere Mold | Top Right: Glass Bowl Set |

| Bottom Left: All-Clad Sauce Pan | Bottom Middle: Marble Pastry Slab | Bottom Right: Infrared Thermometer |

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  • Zacks February 29, 2016 at 8:54 pm

    Hi, this’s real fantastic and I try it several times. However, It’s hard that get chocolate out of mold. I don’t know why it stick to mold tightly. Could you tell me why you do it so easy? Thx